We are based in the heart of The National Trust's Osterley Park, in Isleworth, West London.
It can be difficult to find us, as we are located by the back gates of the park, at the end of Osterley Lane, but our postcode (Tw7 4RB) takes you to the main gates of Osterley Park, on Jersey Road - a 15 minute walk from our house.
To drive to our house, type UB2 4LE into your satnav and find Osterley Lane, going into Osterley Park from Tentelow Lane, just opposite Norwood Green. Osterley Lane is between St Mary's Primary School and Norwood Green Care Home. Drive to the very end – it is a long windy lane, going over the M4 motorway. At the end there is free parking and our house is the one on the right – Devon Lodge.
UB2 4LE brings you to here- the top of Osterley Lane, just off Tentelow Lane.


This is Devon Lodge. Go through the first gate that you see.

Walk directly forward. This is your view.

Lessons take place in the summer house.