Friendly, expert support. Comprehension and Creative Writing Specialists
We specialise in helping students to handle any English exam. Over the last ten years, we have supported countless pupils with their 11+ preparation, helping children receive places at some of the most competitive schools, with Tiffin Girls and Tiffin Boys being our most popular.
We achieve outstanding results because:
Our classes are small (maximum 6 to a class)
Our lessons are delivered by experienced, qualified teachers
We offer weekly personalised feedback and targets
In our small-group lessons, we analyse high-quality texts and practice exam technique on real 11+ papers. We alternate weekly between comprehension and creative writing and the teaching of spelling, punctuation and grammar is woven into every lesson. We touch upon verbal reasoning in lessons but we do not spend our class time drilling lists of prepositions. We are skilled in helping students to access the most challenging comprehension questions where inference and language analysis are required. We give pupils a range of successful methods to handle any writing tasks. The regular support of a small-group lesson gives you the best chance of getting the grade you need.